属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-日本与安倍经济 拯救之路
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-叙利亚内战 艰难时刻
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-川普当选总统 国际经济出现的乱象(上)
1 | 解释春风无限恨,沉香亭北倚阑干。 | As he listens to the sighing of the far spring wind. Where she leans on a railing in the Aloe Pavilion. | |
2 | 美德乃邪恶所赖以生存的真正的支柱:只有倚着美德,邪恶才能站立。--梭罗 | Virtue is the very heart and lungs of ice: it cannot stand but it leans on virtue.--Thoreau | |
3 | 他总是依赖别人的帮助。 | He always leans on others for help. | |
4 | 野老念牧童,倚杖候荆扉。 | And a rugged old man in a thatch door, Leans on a staff and thinks of his son, the herdboy. | |
5 | ||1:不过日本央行的这次举措倒是让日本决策者们在另一件事上更加意见一致。这指的是安倍晋三在明年十一月将不得不推行的第二轮消费税上调,将从8%上涨到10%。||2:安倍如果不想这么办,那就得在年底前作出决定,好通过立法程序来阻止消费税的上涨。||3:第三季度可谓凄惨,年化GDP缩水7.1%,不少安倍的经济顾问都认为最初的消费税上涨就是个错误。||4:日本财务省力推提高消费税以期解决日本不断膨胀的公共债务,而另一边的首相一方则倾向于修改消费税上涨的时间,这便是交战的双方。||5:经济改革中的重要大臣甘利明似乎支持保持目前的计划不变。 | ||1:Yet the BoJ’s move strengthens another consensus among Japan’s policymakers, which is that Mr Abe will soon be obliged to press ahead with a second rise in the consumption tax, next October, from 8% to 10%.||2:Mr Abe has to decide by the end of this year if he is not going to, in order to introduce legislation to stop the hike.||3:After a dreadful second quarter, when GDP shrank by an annualised 7.1%, many of Mr Abe’s economic advisers are convinced that the initial rise was a mistake.||4:A battle is on between the finance ministry, which is pushing for the increase to deal with Japan’s ballooning public debt, and the prime minister’s office, which leans towards altering the timetable.||5:Akira Amari, the key minister for economic reforms, seems to favour sticking to the timetable. | |
6 | ||1:总的来说,这些特征是使苏格兰语成为一种语言,还是仅仅成为一种方言,这一点在专业语言学家之间没有共识。||2:爱丁堡大学的英国人杰弗里·普勒姆倾向于语言地位。尽管他的专业知识(以及生活在苏格兰),他“就是无法理解两个讲苏格兰语的工人交谈”。||3:他强调了这些语法上的差异,以及苏格兰人悠久的文学历史。 | ||1:There is no consensus among professional linguists as to whether, in aggregate, these features make Scots a language, or merely a dialect.||2:Geo?rey Pullum, an Englishman at the University of Edinburgh, leans towards language status. Despite his expertise (and living in Scotland), he “simply cannot understand two Scots-speaking workers when they are chatting with each other”.||3:He emphasises those grammatical di?erences, as well as the long literary history of Scots. | |
7 | 除非伊朗—阿萨德最大的支持者,也支持这一政权,否则,叙利亚和平只能是泡影。 | Peace is almost impossible unless Iran, Mr Assad’s biggest backer, also leans on the regime. | |
8 | 就他较多地依赖第一个元素且较少地依赖第二个元素来说,对于美国经济的直接破坏将是有限的。 | To the extent that he leans more on the first element and less on the second, the immediate damage to America’s economy will be limited. | |
9 | “只要你不碰它就没事。石棉倒是坚固耐用。”她倚着木质吧台,“喝点什么?” | "It’s not a problem as long as you don’t touch it. Asbestos lasts forever. " She leans on the wooden bar. "What’ll it be? " | |
10 | 她手头拮据时总是靠父母帮助。 | She always leans on her parents for help when she is in difficulties. | |
11 | 看哪,你所倚靠的埃及是那压伤的苇杖人若靠这杖,就必刺透他的手。 | Look now, you are depending on Egypt, that splintered reed of a staff, which pierces a man’s hand and wounds him if he leans on it! | |
12 | 理查德靠在阳台栏杆上。 | Richard leans on the railing of his balcony. | |
13 | 两副盔甲相距不过数码,另一副位于右侧,依靠着一把巨剑。 | The other, a few yards to its right, leans on a large sword. | |
14 | 它还依靠私人公司为有权的退休人员提供工作。 | It also leans on private companies to provide powerful retirees with jobs. | |
15 | 这依赖于伦理和政治发展中充满着冲突的历史,并且仅此才能使之成为可能。 | It leans on and is only made possible by the conflict-riddled history of ethical and political development. | |
16 | 这种机器人能借助周围环境物体的支承行走并完成既定任务。 | It leans on objects in its environment for support to help it move around and complete tasks. |